Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hmmmmm.. thoughts to keep my mind busy!

Well my thoughts are always running with things to do and pictures ideas of things I want to do! I also let these thoughts keep me from getting worried and concerned about all of us being sick!
 So to my thoughts I say.. Business plan is in the works and so is my Folio is still growing! I am going to be openeing my blog and I have been trying to pic pictures for it! Not an easy thing! I love all my pictures for different reasons! I have a goal in mind for my business and I have personal goals for myself through my business. I want to make a difference. I am working on learning all I can so when I have enough work to show this Org. I can become one of their Photogs! This is helpful for me when people try to tear down my work or say I am "just and amature" I say "Well if I can take the pictures I take with a Point and Shoot, just wait until I get my 50D" I have 3 reasons to make this work and a passion for what I do! Night for now, my water is boiling for dinner!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Those days!

Have you ever had those moments that when they happened you were so mad and shocked that you felt crazy, and then after the moment passed you were laughing so hard because it was really funny?

Well my friend and I had one today! {More she then I but my son was involved!!} My son and her daughter love to help us clean.. they are 2 it goes without saying they are trying to help! Well our little helpers decided we needed to mop even though we were not ready! Well they got out the mop and Swiffer. They were so cute and we figured what could it hurt to let them play while we ran around getting stuff done! Well MISTAKE!!! They took the mop and Swiffer into the bathroom and put them in the toilet and mopped the bathroom and the kitchen. When we got on to them they were stunned that we were not very happy they did our job and we would not have to do it!! They were more confused when they were put in time out! Well to their surprise potty water is dirty and not a good thing to mop with!! When all was said and done they just made us do that job earlier in the day then planned but oh well it is really clean now!!!! Have a great day Y’all!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


 Ok well My eldest daughter was dignoticed with H1N1 yesterday.. Well I will tell everyone to be prepared. It is just like the regular Flu but your friend's and family will treat you like a crazy person and tell you they don't want to see you! Hmmm.. This above all the worry will break a normal person! Not me I just walk around with my own bottle of Lysol disinfectiant spray and make a big deal out of keeping my grems from eveyone!! LOL

  There are many people who have different stories on how to deal with it and what is best! Really it all depends on you and your family and I hope nobody around me gets it. I will do all in my power to keep them from getting it.. But life is life and I can't control a germ. But prayers to all who have gone through what I am going through now! God Bless!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Welcome to my Life!

        In this blog I am going to talk about the in's and out's of who I am and how I think! You may find some really off the wall stuff here or you may find just some down right funny things that happen to me daily in my life!
        If you read my Bio then you know I have been rebuilding my life. I am just like every other woman in the world raising kid's and trying to make it!
      We all have to deal and cope with "crazy" or  "drive us crazy"! You know what I mean? I have my own way of dealing! I go in the bathroom for a nice long Hot Hollywood shower, then I sing my head off! YOu know as loud as I can. I close my eyes and I am on stage with millions watching and I am just rockin out. Or I take my camera and just look through my lens and see the world in a whole new way! I enjoy seeing my finished product. Then if it does not look the way I wanted it to I change it on the computer.. Just another way to relax and be creative! But mostly if I need to get away I spend the day with my Kid's and Anthony at the park or watching movies!
      I am trying to learn photography and make my hobby my life!But with anything you try to do you have people who want to bash and think they are better then you! I am more into helping and being genuine and knowing I am hummble. I am not going to be perfect ever but i hope that one day people who see my pictures will see something special and meaningful in them. So stick around for more on My Real Life!