Thursday, October 8, 2009

Welcome to my Life!

        In this blog I am going to talk about the in's and out's of who I am and how I think! You may find some really off the wall stuff here or you may find just some down right funny things that happen to me daily in my life!
        If you read my Bio then you know I have been rebuilding my life. I am just like every other woman in the world raising kid's and trying to make it!
      We all have to deal and cope with "crazy" or  "drive us crazy"! You know what I mean? I have my own way of dealing! I go in the bathroom for a nice long Hot Hollywood shower, then I sing my head off! YOu know as loud as I can. I close my eyes and I am on stage with millions watching and I am just rockin out. Or I take my camera and just look through my lens and see the world in a whole new way! I enjoy seeing my finished product. Then if it does not look the way I wanted it to I change it on the computer.. Just another way to relax and be creative! But mostly if I need to get away I spend the day with my Kid's and Anthony at the park or watching movies!
      I am trying to learn photography and make my hobby my life!But with anything you try to do you have people who want to bash and think they are better then you! I am more into helping and being genuine and knowing I am hummble. I am not going to be perfect ever but i hope that one day people who see my pictures will see something special and meaningful in them. So stick around for more on My Real Life!

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