Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Those days!

Have you ever had those moments that when they happened you were so mad and shocked that you felt crazy, and then after the moment passed you were laughing so hard because it was really funny?

Well my friend and I had one today! {More she then I but my son was involved!!} My son and her daughter love to help us clean.. they are 2 it goes without saying they are trying to help! Well our little helpers decided we needed to mop even though we were not ready! Well they got out the mop and Swiffer. They were so cute and we figured what could it hurt to let them play while we ran around getting stuff done! Well MISTAKE!!! They took the mop and Swiffer into the bathroom and put them in the toilet and mopped the bathroom and the kitchen. When we got on to them they were stunned that we were not very happy they did our job and we would not have to do it!! They were more confused when they were put in time out! Well to their surprise potty water is dirty and not a good thing to mop with!! When all was said and done they just made us do that job earlier in the day then planned but oh well it is really clean now!!!! Have a great day Y’all!!!

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