Tuesday, October 13, 2009


 Ok well My eldest daughter was dignoticed with H1N1 yesterday.. Well I will tell everyone to be prepared. It is just like the regular Flu but your friend's and family will treat you like a crazy person and tell you they don't want to see you! Hmmm.. This above all the worry will break a normal person! Not me I just walk around with my own bottle of Lysol disinfectiant spray and make a big deal out of keeping my grems from eveyone!! LOL

  There are many people who have different stories on how to deal with it and what is best! Really it all depends on you and your family and I hope nobody around me gets it. I will do all in my power to keep them from getting it.. But life is life and I can't control a germ. But prayers to all who have gone through what I am going through now! God Bless!

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